lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Sox reject Wagner's conditions

If Jonathan Papelbon still has any concerns about Billy Wagner replacing someone in the Red Sox' bullpen, they may prove moot, since it's looking increasingly unlikely that the 38-year-old lefthander will be coming to Boston.

According to a report by FoxSports' Ken Rosenthal, the Red Sox chances of acquiring Wagner, whom they claimed on waivers from the Mets on Friday, are in "serious jeopardy" after the club rejected Wagner's two conditions for waiving his no-trade clause.

Bean Stringfellow, Wagner's agent, told Rosenthal that Wagner wants assurance that the Red Sox will not pick up his $8 million club option for next season. According to the report, Wagner also requested that the Red Sox not offer salary arbitration, thus making him a more appealing option as free agent since the team signing him would not be required to forfeit draft picks.

Wagner is currently projected to be a Type A free agent, meaning that any team that signed him would have to sacrifice two high draft picks as compensation.

Wagner, who received positive reviews after returning to the Mets on Thursday following an 11-month rehabilitation after Tommy John surgery, has 385 saves in his 15-year career. According to the report, he prefers to remain a closer, which is improbable in Boston given that Papelbon is entrenched in the role.

Rosenthal also speculates on the thought-process of the Red Sox and Mets at the moment:

The Sox still might find Wagner appealing as a six-week rental even if they promised not to pick up his option or offer him arbitration. But their loss of 2010 control in accepting such conditions would diminish their willingness to part with a better prospect.

The Mets could save the nearly $3.5 million remaining on Wagner's contract simply by allowing him to leave for the Red Sox. But if no deal is reached, they might prefer to pull him back from waivers, retaining the possibility of offering him arbitration and injecting two high picks into their depleted farm system.

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